Bart the Adventure Gnome, 2012

Some backstory might be useful. My colleague and friend Scott has a New Year’s Eve party every year, and a few years ago he came up with the idea that Bart, one of his garden gnomes, got tired of hanging out in the backyard and was consumed with wanderlust (Lori and I sympathize with the little fellow). He tried to make a break for it but got lost in the ivy: whichever guest at the party found Bart got a bunch of prizes with the stipulation that Bart had to accompany them on all their travels. Can you guess who found Bart? It was an active year for him, to say the least. Scott asked me to put together a “little presentation” on Bart’s adventures and present it the following New Year’s Eve as preparation for returning Bart to the garden, where he would promptly get lost again and the next year’s guest would find him, and the cycle continues. There’s no way I could do a “little presentation”, and this 30 minute production is the result. So pop some popcorn and settle in to see where all Bart went in 2012…

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