An Answer To My Question


If you’ve been following our blog, you know that I (Lori) asked if I would have to cook for the next six months.  Well, the answer is yes!  And clean!  Yep, when you find yourself in a cozy apartment on the ninth floor of a charming building in the middle of town (in this case, Valencia, Spain) with a lovely view of the train station and the bull fighting ring–you have to cook and clean.  At least a little.


I can hear my sister asking if the apartment was gross, and no, it was spotless, but we’ve been here for a week and it’s just time.  We have a wonderful balcony that we seem to start and end the day on, and of course the door is open so we track in dust (I sweep the balcony too).  But I’m sure it’s just average, typical dirt that we track in and produce on a regular basis.  Chuck will say that I am a bit of a neat freak but I do not like to walk around on a gritty floor. Yuck!
As far as cooking goes, I’m not sure boiling eggs and washing lettuce for a salad counts as cooking, but there certainly seems to always be dishes to wash!


We are enjoying our little apartment overlooking the train station and the bull fighting ring.  I love to drink my morning coffee from the balcony and watch the people scurrying to and from the station on their morning ‘commutes.’  We enjoy a late night copa vino tinto (glass of red wine) every evening on the balcony as well.  I am looking forward to the next three weeks of cooking and cleaning.


Oh, and did I mention I do laundry?

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