Favorite Pictures from Ireland
Discovering Guinness at Brazenhead Pub, Dublin Musical Pub Crawl, Dublin The Cliffs of Moher Ancient Stone Grave Druid’s Stone Circle and [Read More…]
Discovering Guinness at Brazenhead Pub, Dublin Musical Pub Crawl, Dublin The Cliffs of Moher Ancient Stone Grave Druid’s Stone Circle and [Read More…]
Haircut Time in Manchester, England Here are a few of our favorite pictures from England and Scotland… Early Copy of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Manchester [Read More…]
Waterfalls at Quinta dos TrĂªs Rios I thought it would be easy to throw together a few picture blogs, but when you’ve taken thousands of [Read More…]
It’s nice, of course, to go into a church in Europe and gaze upon the work of one of the great masters like Michelangelo (as [Read More…]
Teatro Anatomica – Anatomy Theatre Bologna is a college town, but not like any other college town you’ve visited. There are clusters of the university [Read More…]
A Plain Bologna Church A Couple of Blocks from our Apartment Of course, I exaggerate: there’s not a church on every corner, but certainly [Read More…]
The Entrance to our Wine Cellar Studio in Bologna Complete with Curious Furry Friend We had a week and a half in the Italian countryside [Read More…]
We’ve heard from a few of our friends and followers who share our newfound love of Ireland, many of whom have been there and have [Read More…]
After a solid week of nonstop touring of Ireland, we were worn out. It happened to be a Sunday, and the Lord says we should [Read More…]
Grange Stone Circle Interesting factoid: England might have the most famous one (Stonehenge), but Ireland has more ancient stone circles per capita than any other [Read More…]