Whale Watching in the Puget Sound
Whale watching in the Puget Sound is a must-do when you visit Seattle, but it’s an exercise in expectation setting. While you’ll be guaranteed to [Read More…]
Whale watching in the Puget Sound is a must-do when you visit Seattle, but it’s an exercise in expectation setting. While you’ll be guaranteed to [Read More…]
Other than the places we’ve lived—namely South Mississippi, Atlanta, and on the streets of Disney World—the place we’ve spent the most time is Seattle. Even [Read More…]
As we summited Mount Rainier, the sun broke through the thin, wispy clouds, bathing our faces in warmth. The four of us—we were accompanied on [Read More…]
Way out west, just before you drive off into the Pacific Ocean, is an idyllic land, not too hot, not too cold, ocean beaches reaching [Read More…]
Driving the 1,200 miles of our route up the West Coast, we were struck with the diversity of the landscape of America’s Pacific states (California [Read More…]
Stop number 2 of our August drive up the West Coast was at Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. Crater Lake was formed nearly 8,000 [Read More…]
As our plans to drive from Southern California to the Pacific Northwest started to firm up, Chuck took to Google Maps and planned a route. [Read More…]
I can think of few activities that have more health benefits than dancing. Just Google “health benefits of dancing” and start reading. If the physical [Read More…]
Regular readers should know by now that if there’s an aviation museum near where we find ourselves, Chuck is going to drag Lori to see [Read More…]
On the south end of the Coachella Valley, there’s a sea in the middle of the desert. It’s not a natural body of water. Well, [Read More…]