Our Latest Ambition: Buenos Aires
Amidst the preparation you have to think about the reward. Eyes on the prize, right? We spend a lot of time thinking and talking and [Read More…]
Amidst the preparation you have to think about the reward. Eyes on the prize, right? We spend a lot of time thinking and talking and [Read More…]
Well this will wrap up my re-posting of my previous wishlist; time to write some new stuff! Wow, time can get away from you. Has [Read More…]
Sadly we’ve not been able to chip away any at the Europe section of the wishlist, but then again we just took a major trip [Read More…]
Readers who know me (Chuck) might know also that last year I lost 80 pounds. So when we took our ski trip this past winter, [Read More…]
We can check one off…Lori and I took the California wine country trip this summer. It was an A+ vacation, worthy of several upcoming blogs. [Read More…]
Since I originally wrote this blog, we’ve done exactly 0 of these long weekends. Yet they are still all appealing to me, so my list [Read More…]
I originally posted this blog October of 2012 on my WordPress site, but thought it worthwhile posting again here 🙂 To sort-of follow through on [Read More…]
We want to see the world. We want to experience other cultures. We want to immerse ourselves and live like locals, eating local cuisine and [Read More…]