Sure-Fire Diet: Chuck’s Before and After Pictures
Diet blogs are popular. They get lots of traffic, which can only mean there are lots of people surfing the web for ways to lose [Read More…]
Diet blogs are popular. They get lots of traffic, which can only mean there are lots of people surfing the web for ways to lose [Read More…]
Now that our 30-day countdown has begun (Siri reports only 29 days left to go!) we’ve been waxing a little poetic about the things we’ll [Read More…]
We like to take pictures of our food. The more colorful the variety, the more tasty the memory, the better. This picture almost makes me [Read More…]
When we first started researching the long-term travel lifestyle over a year ago, we were surprised at how many books, pundits, and bloggers talked about [Read More…]
For my bride of 28 years on the eve of Mother’s Day… Note: Chuck had lost 40 pounds at this point, but would ultimately lose [Read More…]
Recently Lori and I both came home and when we asked each other how our days were, we both replied with something similar to, “I’m [Read More…]
Original Posting: http://chuckros.wordpress.com/2012/08/21/exercise-the-e-word/ I’m back from summer & vacation hiatus and (obviously) ready to blog again! To ease back into it I’ll wrap up my series [Read More…]
Original posting: http://chuckros.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/diet-gems/ Everyone who’s dieted a few times has found a few foods, restaurants, dishes, “gems” that surprised you. Who knew bulgur could be made [Read More…]
Originally posting: http://chuckros.wordpress.com/2012/05/30/weighing-uggh/ Has this ever happened to you: after several days of intensive dieting, you are certain that you’ve shed a pound AT LEAST, and [Read More…]
Original posting: http://chuckros.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/implementing-the-sure-fire-diet/ Apparently I struck a chord with my sure-fire diet blog: I’ve gotten more traffic and personal contacts on that blog than I’ve gotten on [Read More…]