A few weeks back we received an email inquiry wondering if we’d like to be interviewed for a podcast called “The Expat Chat”. We’ve never really thought of ourselves as expats, but insofar as we’ve spent more of the last 18 months out of the states as we’ve spent in, I guess we qualify. So we said, “Yep, count us in.”
One thing we’ve definitely learned is that the know-how of full time perpetual travel can come from unexpected sources. How true expats–those who pick up roots from their home country and set down roots in a different country–do what they do has taught us a few things. So whether you’re looking to be a true-blue expat or if you, like us, want to be a nomadic semi-expat who just travels a lot, give our interview a listen and then subscribe and listen to all the other fantastic interviews on this very well produced pod cast.
Here’s a link to our interview: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/expat-chat-lifestyle-travel/id1039954169?mt=2&i=354515763 (we’re track 16, episode 20).
Our huge thanks to Tony and Leanne Argyle at The Expat Chat for inviting us to participate and especially for a truly great time. We look forward to one day getting down under and meeting you both in person!